Friday 7 November 2008

Milan Rai

Milan Rai will be leading the workshop on UK foreign policy and the British peace movement.
He's a British peace campaigner who was arrested in October 2005 on the steps of a London war memorial, the Cenotaph, for refusing to cease reading aloud the names of civilians by then killed in Iraq following its most recent war, alongside fellow activist Maya Evans. Rai, a writer and anti-war activist from Hastings, was convicted under the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 for taking part in an illegal demonstration within 1 km of Parliament Square.
Milan co-founded Voices in the Wilderness and Justice Not Vengeance and is the co-editor of Peace News.
Milan Rai has authored several books, including (with Noam Chomsky) War Plan Iraq: 10 Reasons Against War with Iraq (Verso 2002), Chomsky's Politics (Verso 1995) and 7/7: The London Bombings, Islam and the Iraq War (Pluto 2006)

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